System - DC-Power


DC-POWER proposes a local medium voltage direct current distribution bus architecture—the D3-Bus (for Dual DC Distribution Bus)—at the Megawatt level. This D3-Bus is envisioned to manage electric power distribution at building/site level, incorporating industrial high-power loads as well as local energy generation and storage.


DC POWER concept diagram




The diagram above shows the DC-POWER system concept including the components below:

The D3-Bus
The D3-Bus (Dual DC Distribution Bus) is a bipolar DC bus operating at ±1.5 kV.

Active Frontend
The active frontend is connected to the medium voltage AC grid and provides power for D3-Bus

Appliance Driver
The appliances are powered with by the appliance driver, which is a DC/DC converter with galvanic isolation. This driver is powered at 3kV to reduces the currents needed to power MW scale appliances.

Photovoltaic System
The photovoltaic system provides green power for the appliances. The PV arrays feed each leg of the D3-Bus separately to keep the PV voltages within the low voltage limit of 1.5kV.

Storage System
The Batteries stabilize each leg of the D3-Bus separately to keep the batteries within the low voltage limit of 1.5kV.

Power Management System
The power management system assures system stability, manages the battery, and assures that a maximum of PV power is used for the appliances.

The protection system assures the security of the D3-Bus in case of severe failures.

© WIP Munich 2025
Funded by the European Union, under the Horizon Europe programme, Grant agreement number 101135828. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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