Datacenters are critical high-power loads which must be powered by a stable and reliable grid. This is why the D3-Bus system is demonstrated at a new datacenter located at the facilities of partner JSI at the Reactor Center in Podgorica, Slovenia. Aim is also to achieve a maximum energy efficiency and green power supply for this datacenter.
This is why the IT racks will be water cooled and the waste heat will be used for nearby buildings. Furthermore, a maximum energy efficiency can be achieved by using the specifications elaborated by the Open Compute Project (OCP) which has been elaborated in reducing the costs for large scale datacenters. Server racks will use DC bus bars compliant with the OCP specification, with commercially available DC power shelves in each server rack.
The images below show the preliminary design report of the data centre pilot.
The datacentre pilot site, managed by Institut Jozef Stefan, will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Size: 130 kW